Our special offers & coupons appear on our HOME page & this page.
They only concern our digital products (and not our printed kits).
Plus, you will be informed of them if you subscribe to our monthly Newsletter!
If the coupon gives a free model for the purchase of a pattern, you will have to:
- “Add to your cart” the model you want to buy plus the model offered by the coupon.
- Click on the cart icon (on the top of your screen).
- Click on “Use coupon code” then on “Apply coupon”.
Reward points
The “Reward Points” give you discounts & free papercraft patterns!
They only concern our digital products (and not our printed kits).
Each one of our papercraft templates has a price & a value in “Reward Points”.
You can check this information on the page of each one of our models.
Note: Only the papercraft PDF patterns give points & can be bought with points (not the .SVG / .DXF files, and the printed kits).
To use your “Reward Points”, first, you will have to sign in to your account.
Then, you will have to add to your shopping cart the papercraft models you want to get.
Once your shopping done, you could apply your points from the page of your cart.
First example: A papercraft pattern costs 100 points. You want to use 50 points to buy it. You will get a 50% discount!
Second example: A papercraft pattern costs 100 points. You want to use 100 points. You will have it for free!
BE CAREFUL: If you use points to make a purchase, you won't get new points!
There are two ways to get "Reward Points"! But, first, to use or get "Reward Points", you will have to login or register on our website.
If you have a Facebook account, you can register with Facebook, it is quick & you won't have a new password to remember.
Once login/registered, you could get "Reward Points":
- If you buy a papercraft pattern (without using a discount, "Reward Points" or a coupon).
- If you write a review on the product page of a model you bought (without discount) & add a nice picture, we will offer you 50 points.
You will have to wait between 1 & 48 hours to get your new “Reward Points”. You will receive an email each time new “Reward Points” will be credit in your account.
Plus, you can check whenever you want your “Reward Points” balance from your account dashboard.
The Ecogami community
By joining our community as a "Premium" member, you will obtain many privileges:
- You will have access to a Premium “secret” model each month via a contest (which starts at the beginning of each month).
- You could win each new Ecogami model.
The Affiliate Program
EcogamiShop Affiliate Program is free, and, it will allow you to earn money easily through an internet link.
To become an EcogamiShop's Affiliate, please click on the link below:
Once your affiliate account will be created, you will get a specific link with a unique URL code. You can distribute this link via your Facebook page, your Instagram account, your website, your blog or by sending it by email.
All sales made by customers who click on this link will generate you an affiliate commission. The commission rate is 30%. After each sale generated by your link, you will receive an email informing you that you have received a new commission. You will be able to check at any time the amount available in your affiliate account and ask for a payment as soon as this amount will reach a minimum of 15 Euros. The affiliate commission is paid via PayPal or via bank transfer if you have a bank account in Europe.
Are you ready to start generating sales and extra incomes? Register first as an affiliate and do not hesitate to spread your link as much as possible.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send me a message.